Monday, February 9, 2009

Connotations... Spider Lily....


For me, the image of the spider lily connotates with life. It shows how life and death occurs almost simultaneously and side by side, sometimes we notice it and other times we do not. If the wilting flowers are on the same stalk we can see it therefore it concerns us directly and we notice them but is the wilting flowers are on another stalk we might just turn a blind eye to it, like for example, if our loved ones or things close to our hearts are no longer with us we feel the lost and pain but when the same things would to happen to other people we are not related at all we have a lesser degree of emotion (we may empathise with them but we do not feel the pain directly).
The colour white, represents purity and new life, like a clean sheet starting fresh to learn new things and have experience imprinted on it and when the flower continues to grow sometimes it will have different variations of white and sometimes brown. These to me are then the marks experiences leaves on us in the course of our lives. The orange coloured pollen grains symbolises vibrancy to reach and start a new life. They are lifted high up for whatever comes their way (like wind to aid their reproduction), shows us that there are many factors affecting our paths and what comes out of those decisions and finally when we reach our purpose in life we move on like for the flower when it has completed its task of reproduction the next phase is death and that is our LIFE…

It is interesting to be able to look at an image or things around us to realise that there could be so many ways of looking and so many different interpretations of a single scene or moment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Noelle,
    Just want to tell you that I like your interpretation.
    Yes, there are various ways to interprete semiotic potential. I guess even twins may also interpret simlar semiotic potential in different ways.
