Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hybridity and Diversity!!!

What stuck me when I was reading the readings was that a hybrid activity was one that bridged the official and unofficial spaces of both home and school, I felt that very often teachers are focused on covering the curriculum and finishing planned activities that they often overlook teachable moments that may happen in the classroom and thus not be able to make use of such moments as a teaching tools.

I also felt that teachers (may be due to their workload and time constraints) find that integrating more strategies in their daily lessons will take up time in planning and also may not be effective thus not trying out ways to incorporate new strategies, but after reading the examples in the readings, I realised that we can use small incidents in the classroom to introduce topics close to the students' hearts and thus making lessons authentic for students and in fact much more learning takes place in such classrooms.

I guess this makes me more aware and would then take note of the teachable moments in my future classroom to be able to utilise them fully to cater to hybridity and diversity...

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