Sunday, April 5, 2009

Multimodality,'reading' and literacy

During the class activity, Joyce and I were wondering how we should approach the website , just then we decided to look at the website's main page and see where it leads us without really thinking about how we should go about it, then I realised and understand why this is one of the the award winning websites. The entire website is very structured and at any point we are able to explore it with ease.

It is from this activity that “the affordances of new technologies reconfigure the multimodal aspects of reading and writing in ways that are newly significant for reading” (pg 107, Jewitt) made more sense to me. I have not thought about my reading path when viewing any websites, but usually thought of them as easy or difficult to move from one page to the other, which somehow makes me realise that I can teach children about their reading path through linking this experience. As I am very sure they would have similar experiences thus it might make them more aware about their reading path and if they would to ever get a chance to create a website of their own that they would also take into consideration their viewers' reading path and create good websites. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Noelle,

    I think you've certainly raised a really valid point on the need to generate students' awareness of their reading paths. And I was just thinking that not only can we do that, we can also get students to think about how their reading paths actually shape their learning process. What if their reading paths are altered? WOuld that alter their learning too? If so, how so? Through this, I think students will not only be able to be conscious of their reading paths, but also be able to link it to the way they learn.
